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The programme for next week & beyond...

Please note that this programme has an open invitation to all members of the Explorer Scout section please contact us for further information on each event.












 Supermarket challenge


 1st Nch HQ

 Creating a delicious meal on a budget


 Hide and Seek


 1st Nch HQ

 Hiding, and seeking, and Georges last night


 Cross Bows

 Alex H

 1st Nch HQ

 Tin can shotout or all vs all? Who will be victorious?


 Quiz Night

 Alex W

 1st Nch HQ

 Everyone is making their own question round to ask the others


 Balloon Debate


 1st Nch HQ

 The hot air balloon is sinking, argue your point to stay in it!





 The next GTS hosted by Pythons. Further details to follow.


 Africa Night


 1st Nch HQ

 A night dedicated to Africa




 1st Nch HQ

 It is wet. Other details to follow.





 This GTS is being run by us - more details to follow




 1st Nch HQ

 A night on the river. Will we canoe, will we row, will we sink?


 Programme Planning


 1st Nch HQ

 Planning next terms activities


 Independance Night

 Mallory + George

 1st Nch HQ

 It is Independance Day in America, what does that mean for us?


 Water Fight


 1st Nch HQ

 Water, it is wet. And we are starting a fight with it.


 Beach BBQ



 The annual beach trip and bbq.

Other Dates


 IOW Revo


 Isle of Wight

 A weekend of camping and activities

'Vermin' Explorer Scout Unit part of Southern Norwich District Explorers

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